This kriya is wonderful and very intense. I could barely speak after it on Sunday to say thank you. The way you led us through it was so thoughtfully and skillfully done. I also felt very grateful for your reading of the Yeats poem and the passage on the tension between insisting on sharing one’s world with a loved one and respecting their own strengths, limitations, and gifts. I have certainly found that a challenge as time goes on. Many thanks again for allowing me to join you for these won… Read more
Leah Wilson-Velasco
Rocky’s performance of An Evening of Cole Porter with the Walla Walla Symphony was fun, polished and simply delightful. Our near sold-out audience loved it and his performance brought them to their feet.
Anita Royer - Stanford DCI Partner Class of 2019
I have become an amazed and surprised devotee for sure, and though I’ll regretfully miss this week with the noon hour full of a number of family visits in MA and PA, I’ll be in our apartment (back East) next week and should be able to check in for at least several sessions. In the meantime, I will find time to study and review the material you’ve sent in this email, and have found this kundalini practice with you and this wonderful group is touching me on several energizing and spiritual l… Read more
Denis Moreen - Pianist, Music Director
“… it was stunning, my friend! You did Cole real justice. Your up-tempos bounced and your ballads flowed. I particularly liked the introspective slower motions of several songs – nothing unhurried, everything thoughtful. I also was taken with your immediate and easy rapport with the audience. Most important, the audience was given complete honesty both in your singing and in your talking…”
Melanie Karsen
On Day 65 of Kundalini Yoga I experience what Rocky has been talking about all this time The integration of Mind, Body and Spirit Stunningly simple and uncomplicated A moment on my mat When everything both past and present matters not Where bliss lives In the house of Sat Nam My Truth
I am a dedicated believer in the value of yoga for physical and mental fitness, healthy aging and the harmonization of body, mind and spirit. At the age of 71 I have experienced hundreds of yoga classes, multiple styles of yoga, and dozens of different teachers. Rocky Blumhagen is the best of them all. He is knowledgeable, experienced, gifted at teaching and communicating, and brings a spiritual awareness to the practice of yoga that is uniquely enlightening and balancing.
It was so wonderful to hear your beautiful voice and to watch you perform – I was mesmerized by how present you were, and how you sang from the depths of your soul.
Tom Blank - Former Theatre Critic Anaheim Bulletin
“One for My Baby”, was absolutely A+ ~ Your intimate story-telling and using your pianist as the bartender was inspired. It turned a routine standard into a contemporary reflection on loss.
David Gomberg
Easy to Love arrived today. And from the first notes of the first track, we were captivated. Remarkable!! Sinatra Sings the Select Cole Porter is no longer my favorite collection… Easy to Love is. Thanks so much for brightening a busy day!
Kurt Alexander
I joined his kundalini class in September, 2019, and still practice with him at every opportunity. His practice, I find, is gentle for the elder person, like myself. It includes extensive meditation, especially with meditative breathing. I have always been a very factual, hands-on scientific type person. And I still am such a person. Rocky makes me see a bit beyond. He has made me think reflectively like I have not before. I value this expanded scope of vision. I thank him so much.
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I am appreciative of all the talented people who have made my career and this website possible. Please continue to visit to see how my life continues to evolve over time. Feel free to call or email via the Contact Page. I look forward to hearing from you ~ Rocky
A Special Thank You to the wonderful photographers & videographers who have captured the performances featured within these pages. Credits & links appear where possible. If we have missed a specific mention, PLEASE let us know!
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