Week #11 – May 24-30, 2020 Kriya for Morning Sadhana Covid-19 Pranayama taught introduced by Dr. Baxter Bell


WEEK 11 – Kriya for Morning Sadhana – A stellar all-around Kundalini Yoga workout including cat-cow, spinal flex, spinal twists, front bends, life-nerve stretch, butterfly, pelvic lifts, cobra pose, yoga mudra, Sufi grind, shoulder shrugs, neck rolls, and pranayama. The Kriya has 23 postures so takes a good hour to complete and is a full body work out. It is also said to access all seven chakra/subtle body energy centers.

CHANTS in this Kriya include:

Adi Mantra – I bow to the Creative Wisdom. I bow to the Divine Teacher within. This mantra is used to access the divine flow and self knowledge within each of us. We chant it three times. Once for ourselves, once for the people in your class and once for the greater world.

Inhaling Sat, exhaling Nam (pronounced sut nahm) – 3 minutes. Translation: My Truth is my Identity. Inhale Sat. Exhale Nam. This is the reverse of what we usually do when we breathe. We are inhaling while saying, “Sat/Sut” while we draw the belly to the spine. As we relax we say, “Nam” on the Exhale as the belly expands and pushes out.

Closing song of all Kundalini Yoga classes worldwide.
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:

Kapalabhati Pranayama – A forced exhale through the nose, followed by an automatic inhale through the nose. The Inhale and Exhale are of equal force. This forced exhale may feel like you are blowing your nose, it is a good idea to have a tissue nearby, especially during a morning practice.

baxterbell.com – Dr. Baxter Bell  introduced a five second box breath being used in hospitals for COVID-19 patients. It is a five-second inhale, a five-second hold and a five-second exhale. This is the basic breathing pattern.


Kriya for Morning Sadhana
This is a very well balanced kriya. Many Kundalini yoginis and yogis say it is one of their favorite all around kriyas and one of the reasons we have repeated it here in week eleven. It works the entire body and all of the chakras. It stretches the spine, the hamstrings, the neck and pulls the kundalini energy up and down the spine. It is one of my favorite sequences. I once practiced it for forty days straight. If you are searching for a Kriya to begin a forty day practice. This is it! Sat Nam.

Kriya Illustrations & Detailed Instructions

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