Week #13 – June 7-13, 2020 Heart’s Delight & Heart of Gold


WEEK 13 – Heart’s Delight & Heart of Gold – From Guru Rattana Transitions to a Heart Centered World – This is a heart centered kriya that works on the subtle body. It doesn’t feel physically aggressive, but you can still work up a sweat if you engage fully with your breath on each pose. You can feel the kriya opening the heart and throat chakras. Lots of breath work here, there are only 13 poses, but it takes a good hour if you hold the poses through the full time counts.

CHANTS in this Kriya include:

Adi Mantra – I bow to the Creative Wisdom. I bow to the Divine Teacher within. This mantra is used to access the divine flow and self knowledge within each of us. We chant it three times. Once for ourselves, once for the people in your class and once for the greater world.

Inhaling Sat, exhaling Nam (pronounced sut nahm) – 3 minutes. Translation: My Truth is my Identity. Inhale Sat. Exhale Nam. This is the reverse of what we usually do when we breathe. We are inhaling while saying, “Sat/Sut” while we draw the belly to the spine. As we relax we say, “Nam” on the Exhale as the belly expands and pushes out.

Closing song of all Kundalini Yoga classes worldwide.
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

MUSIC includes:

There is no music in this Kriya, so if you prefer to practice without music, you will appreciate this recording.

PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:

through the nose, both inhale and exhale through the nose. All Kundalini breath work is through the nose unless otherwise instructed.

During Ego Eradicator we do 2 minutes of Breath of Fire. Kapalabhati Pranayama. The forced exhale is through the nose, inhale is automatic through the nose as well. Keep the mouth closed throughout the entire breathing pattern. It does not have to be fast, each inhale and exhale can take a second or two. The breath work is measured and controlled. On the forced exhale through the nose the belly/diaphragm draws in towards the spine and during the inhale the belly/diaphragm expands out. Keep repeating. All the stale air is removed from the lungs. This Pranayama oxygenates the blood and really strengthens your diaphragm.


Heart’s Delight & Heart of Gold
I love this kriya for it’s subtle nature. On paper it looks easy but it is somewhat deceiving. The kriya focuses on the heart and throat chakras. You feel your beating heart, you work your diaphragm and any kriya that has Ego Eradicator as part of the sequence, I love! And this go around it only has 2 minutes of long deep breathing and 2 minutes of breath of fire. If you are wanting to practice a kriya that gives you a sense of calmness and integration, this is it! This Kriya gets more and more powerful if you practice it 7 days in a row. Try it and let me know what you experience? Simply drop an email to [email protected] – Sat Nam.

Kriya Illustrations & Detailed Instructions

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