Week #34 – November 3-8, 2020
Kriya for Flexibility & the Spine and Sat Kriya


WEEK 34 – Kriya for Flexibility & the Spine and Sat Kriya

This Kriya works the entire spine, lower lumbar spine, mid-range of the thoracic spine and the upper cervical spine. You will be standing, twisting, bending and lying on your stomach and working your core. There is a modification of Legs Up the Wall/Viparita Karani in place of a shoulder stand. I wasn’t comfortable teaching shoulder stand virtually where I cannot see students in person. This is a wonderfully balanced Kriya.

Remember – If you are on your Moon/Menstrual cycle no held breath, substitute with long and deep breathing.

CHANTS in this Kriya include:

Adi Mantra – I bow to the Creative Wisdom. I bow to the Divine Teacher within. This mantra is used to access the divine flow and self-knowledge within each of us. We chant it three times. Once for ourselves, once for the people in your class and once for the greater world.

Translation: My Truth is my Identity. Inhale Sat. Exhale Nam. (pronounced sut nahm)
This is the reverse of what we usually do when we breathe. We are inhaling while saying, “Sat/Sut” while we draw the belly to the spine. As we relax we say, “Nam” on the Exhale as the belly expands and pushes out.

Sa – Infinity
Ta – Life Existence
Na – Death, change, transformation
Ma – Rebirth

SONGS & MUSIC in this Kriya include:

There is no music in this kriya other than our closing song. If you prefer to practice without music, you will appreciate this recording.

Long Time Sun – Closing song of all Kundalini Yoga classes worldwide.
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:

Inhaling Sat – Exhaling Nam (pronounced sut nahm) 
Translation: My Truth is My Identity. Inhale Sat. Exhale Nam. This is the reverse of what we usually do when we breathe. We are inhaling while saying, “Sat/Sut” as we draw the belly to the spine. And then we relax we the belly saying “Nam.” Exhaling as the belly expands and pushes out.

Remember in Kundalini Yoga, we always inhale and exhale through the nose.


Kriya for Flexibility & the Spine and Sat Kriya
There are 17 poses in this Kriya. I like the balance of standing and seated postures and the “Sa Ta Na Ma” chant is very heart opening. Opening the kirya with Archer pose/Warrior II/Virabhadrasana II teaches us to create the stable base. We build mobility upon stability. This is a challenging kriya with lots of arm work. The kriya is designed to practice yoga from the inside-out. The sequence teaches you to create awareness for your lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine. Give it your honest and best effort.

Sat Nam.

Kriya Illustrations & Detailed Instructions

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