Week #38 – December 1-6, 2020
Kriya for Cleansing the Body and Disease Prevention
WEEK 38 – Kriya for Cleansing the Body and Disease Prevention
Through the various postures this kriya has the ability to stimulate calmness, improve digestion, elimination, balancing of the sex organs around the navel point energy. And especially a balancing of mental equilibrium.
Remember – If you are on your Moon/Menstrual cycle no held breath, substitute with long and deep breathing.
CHANTS in this Kriya include:
SONGS & MUSIC in this Kriya include:
There is no music in this kriya other than our closing song and “I Am So Blessed” during Shavasana. If you prefer to practice without music, you will appreciate this recording.
PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:
Kriya for Cleansing the Body and Disease Prevention
This Kriya focuses on mental equilibrium. This is accomplished via balancing postures with the shoulders and long deep breathing. This kriya has the sequencing ability to provide balance: physical, mental and emotional. Every time I practice this kriya, I feel better: more balanced with emotions in check and feeling solid.
I would love to hear what you experienced as you practiced this kriya. Simply drop an email to [email protected]
Sat Nam.