Week #48 – February 9-14, 2021
Kriyas to Release and Remove Negativity and Tension
WEEK 48 – Kriyas to Release and Remove Negativity and Tension
This Kriya opens with one arm extended up sixty degrees. This immediately sets the tone to open your heart and breathe deeply. There are only 15 Frogs which are certainly doable. We also exercise our metatarsal arches by standing or walking on your tiptoes for two minutes and working on balance as well.
The floor poses on the second page of the Kriya are all about your core and give a good workout and prepare you nicely for the closing: chanting the Aad Guray Nameh chant.
Remember – If you are on your Moon/Menstrual cycle no held breath, substitute with long and deep breathing.
CHANTS in this Kriya include:
SONGS & MUSIC in this Kriya include:
In honor of St. Valentine, I played Cole Porter’s So In Love from my CD Easy to Love.
PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:
Kriyas to Release and Remove Negativity and Tension
Each Kundalini Yoga Kriya is so unique. This one is no different. I particularly like the stretching in this sequence. We know most disease begins with inflammation and stretching and breathing help reduce inflammation. The Aad Guray Nameh chant is four minutes long, acappella. Let the vibration of the chant resonate throughout your facial mask.
In our western culture we don’t have many opportunities to actually sing in a group setting. And singing is a great way to express emotion and it requires
deep breathing as well…so go for it and sing out!
Sat Nam.
P.S. When I taught this Kriya I left out the fifth posture. Supta Virasana. It is hero’s pose with a real stretch for your quad muscles. This is achieved by lying back on a bolster. Place the bolster against a chair or a wall. Or place your hands behind you, flat palms facing forward and just lie back as much as you can. Be cautions
with your knees. This puts a great deal of torque on your meniscus.