Week #49 – February 17-21, 2021
Kriya for the Pituitary Gland and Balancing Prana/Apana Nabhi Kriya


WEEK 49 – February 17-21, 2021

Here are two shorter kriyas combined to bring about a stimulating Asana practice and prepare you for a deeper meditative experience. This kriya frequently brings the forehead to the mat. The pea sized Pituitary gland is an endocrine gland. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland help to control growth, blood pressure, energy, all functions of the sex organs, thyroid glands and metabolism.

The second part of the kriya/sequence focuses on the heart, prana and the coccyx/anus first chakra, the Vayu wind called, apana. The prana/apana balance is about connecting the energy of the first and fourth chakra at the core. Through the breath and the movement of the body we are balancing two of the Vayus. Two of the winds, the apana and the prana. This is all very subtle, energy body work.

Remember – If you are on your Moon/Menstrual cycle no held breath, substitute with long and deep breathing.

CHANTS in this Kriya include:

Adi Mantra – I bow to the Creative Wisdom. I bow to the Divine Teacher within. This mantra is used to access the divine flow and self-knowledge within each of us. We chant it three times. Once for ourselves, once for the people in your class and once for the greater world.

SONGS & MUSIC in this Kriya include:

There is no music in this kriya other than our closing song. If you prefer to practice without music, you will appreciate this recording.

Long Time Sun – Closing song of all Kundalini Yoga classes worldwide.
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:

Remember in Kundalini Yoga, we always inhale and exhale through the nose. As you inhale, the belly expands out. On the exhale, the belly draws into the spine.

Kapalabhati Pranayama – A forced exhale through the nose, followed by an automatic inhale through the nose. The Inhale and Exhale are of equal force. This forced exhale may feel like you are blowing your nose, it is a good idea to have a tissue nearby, especially during a morning practice.

Note: There are some classes when we may also practice Breath of Fire through an open mouth, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Keep the head steady and cheeks as well as you practice this “Cannon Breath.” When we do, I will make sure to explain what we are doing as we do it.


Kriya for the Pituitary Gland and Balancing Prana/Apana Nabhi Kriya
This Kriya begins with the low lunge and pigeon pose which is a more advanced pose and one I prefer not to teach on line. However, the safest approach for pigeon pose is from a downward facing dog and buy adding two blocks you are in essence extending your arms. Lift the right leg high to the ceiling and then swing the right knee forward to your mat, under your chest. Come down on to your blocks carefully and if there is no knee pain, continue on to the mat resting on your forearms very gently feeling how the increased pressure lying on your bent knee and quad feels? There should be no pain. If so immediately back out. This is a resting pose. When everything is opening you may extend your forehead to a block, blanket or directly on your mat. Long and deep breathing here.

This Kriya has a perfect balance of the physical and time for meditation and focus on the breath. I would like doing this kriya over many consecutive days. It is one of my top Five Favorite kriyas. Sat Nam.

Sat Nam.

Kriya Illustrations & Detailed Instructions

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