Week #52 – March 9-13, 2021
Kriya for Colon, Spine, Organs & Release of Navel Energy
WEEK 52 – Kriya for Colon, Spine, Organs & Release of Navel Energy
Here are two shorter kriyas combined for optimum spinal health and to work the meridians of the colon. The fully extended held arm postures open up the meridians to the shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands. You can definitely feel an enlivening process take root.
The second kriya releasing navel energy relies on more breath work with some extended arm activity. Sat Kriya, one of Kundalini Yoga’s most loved Pranayamas is in this kriya as well as a wonderful closing meditation and chant to Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siree Whaa-hay Guru.
Remember – If you are on your Moon/Menstrual cycle no held breath, substitute with long and deep breathing.
CHANTS in this Kriya include:
SONGS & MUSIC in this Kriya include:
CD White Sun III – Track Lullaby Ek Ong Kar Lullaby
This is a our closing five minute meditation.
PRANAYAMA – BREATHING in this Kriya includes:
We use some held breath in this kriya which creates hypoxia to the brain lighting up new neural pathways. Remember if you are on moon or menstrual cycle, do
long and deep breathing.
A more subtle version of Alternate Nostril Breath is worked in this kriya. You are asked to mentally breathe through the most open nostril and exhale through the
nostril that is more closed, without blocking either nostril. This work is all done in your mind.
I talk about the brain waves and yoga. The Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Waves. A brain wave hand out accompanies this Kriya.
Kriya for Colon, Spine, Organs & Release of Navel Energy
This is a subtle kriya and one that really focuses on the breath and the concept of looking at our brain wave activity. Because of the focus on held poses we are able to focus on our thoughts. I also like the core work using belly laughs to fully engage your core. Just another example of some of the fun we have practicing Kundalini Yoga.
Sat Nam.