I’m Still Learning – Expanded Thoughts
A Note to Readers- It might help to know that this post is an expansion of my thoughts from an article posted 2/18/22 on Chip Conley's wonderful website, [...]
By Rocky|2023-11-29T23:00:19+00:00February 17th, 2022|Expanded Thoughts, Kundalini Yoga, MEA Wisdom Well, Self Exploration|
A Note to Readers- It might help to know that this post is an expansion of my thoughts from an article posted 2/18/22 on Chip Conley's wonderful website, [...]
- Stacey Brown - Attendee at "An Affair to Remember" - Fundraiser Benefit for LCCC - Lincoln City, OR
Sure enjoyed your performance last night! You held the audience in the palm of your hand. It’s great how you always educate your audience. I read more about Harry Warren (Salvatore Antonio Guaragna) cool he was a pro drummer at 14! And composer of over 800 songs as you said. It was a terrific evening…. (we) enjoyed it very much . Thanks again for making “Culture of Course” shine with culture. Great job!
Lan Kang - Stanford DCI Fellow - Class of 2019, Shanghai, China
It has been a wonderful experience practicing Yoga with you all, guided by Rocky! It helped me to stay calm and mindful during the pandemic. A special thank you to Rocky! I’ve been practicing Yoga following Rocky’s videos on his website. I will continue to practice Yoga on-line and breathe with you all in mind.
Roberta - Stanford, CA
Rocky, I am so grateful to you for your expertise and your generosity as a teacher. The result for your students is a magical integration of body, mind, and spirit that leads to a more joyous appreciation of the world around us.
Elaine Wang Meyerhoffer - Independent Music Professional
Super! LOVE the narrative arc. Excellently crafted. Fabulous trio and vocal quartet – you guys are nailing those complex harmonies and it is a pleasure to the ear! I especially like how the chemistry between the four of you is developing through the show. You’re in great voice and those dance moves work well!!
Janet M
Thank you so much for yoga—it is an amazing part of my life. I was thinking that you and yoga have been one of the great gifts of my DCI year. I had never really done yoga before and was intimidated by the thought of it and “yoga positions” for my neck. But you encouraged and welcomed me with your enthusiasm —and now I am total convert!!!
Nelson B. Schiller, MD - Cardiologist, UCSF
Your singing was sensational. We loved the swinging arrangements and the way you crafted the medleys. Your acting was terrific. I love your Cole Porter CD. Have played it dozens of times crossing the Golden Gate bridge from home to the UCSF Mission Bay campus!
Susan C
I like the focus on breathing that is a part of Kundalini Yoga. With consistent practice, I find my breathing is smoother and deeper and I am more aware of the quality of my breathing and of the times when I stop breathing. In addition, I stand taller, am more aware of my posture.
Chuck Feist - Executive Director, Siletz Bay Music Festival
Rocky, THANK YOU. What a show! One donor while handing me a check said, “My wife and I would spend $400.00 in New York for a show like this, please keep bringing us this quality entertainment and we will continue supporting Siletz Bay Music Festival.” The details, the precision, the vocals, the floor show, the entertainers. WOW. THANK YOU.
Kurt Alexander
I joined his kundalini class in September, 2019, and still practice with him at every opportunity. His practice, I find, is gentle for the elder person, like myself. It includes extensive meditation, especially with meditative breathing. I have always been a very factual, hands-on scientific type person. And I still am such a person. Rocky makes me see a bit beyond. He has made me think reflectively like I have not before. I value this expanded scope of vision. I thank him so much.
SE Bayles - San Jose, CA
After SO many years, I finally had the opportunity to see you perform live. And what a fun show it was! Rocky, when you spoke of the memory work and harmonies involved in the Sinatra show I had no idea. Wow! You weren’t kidding! It was such a treat, an ear-tickling joy to hear the complexity of the arrangements and the absolutely stunning 4-part voicing. Every note hit with precision. So much so that several times during the performance I caught myself grinning from ear to ear in sheer delight a… Read more
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I am appreciative of all the talented people who have made my career and this website possible. Please continue to visit to see how my life continues to evolve over time. Feel free to call or email via the Contact Page. I look forward to hearing from you ~ Rocky
A Special Thank You to the wonderful photographers & videographers who have captured the performances featured within these pages. Credits & links appear where possible. If we have missed a specific mention, PLEASE let us know!
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