Dear Rocky-

Your prompt on this week’s yoga bulletin got me thinking about what I will do after 1000!!!!!

I am so grateful to you for this 1000 days…


Your yoga sessions mean so much to me on so many levels—

Physically– I feel more flexible-more in alignment- healthier
Intellectually– I have learned so much about an area I never had explored before
Psychologically– I feel more grounded/centered
Emotionally– I feel more connected and InTouch with a greater whole
Spiritually– I know I have grown – and learned – and expanded my openness

You have gifted me so much beyond yoga positions and breathing techniques—

• Creation of a deeper sense of community with dear friends
• Wise insights into both small and large challenges on both a personal level and for a global collective
• Encouraging support of our day to day ups and downs//and the larger wider issues of our times
• Open hearted and open minded attitude each day which greatly inspires me
• Example of the beautiful way you live your life with gratitude and humility


With all this in mind— I would love to continue yoga as I find it grounding, centering and it helps me gain flexibility and strength for my mind and body. I will look to you to guide me as I try to continue a practice multiple times per week – studios/classes in the city or online, private sessions. 

You have given us so much… you are irreplaceable and I am so beyond grateful to you for these 1000 days!!!

Thank you for all your generosity of talents, skills, friendship and inspiration. You are a ROCK star in every way!

~ Janet


A Note From Rocky: Janet, thank you for using the 900 day prompt for self-inquiry. You have been here from the beginning of our 1000 Day Yoga Journey and have given voice to insights others in the cohort may have experienced as well. Observing your resiliency after your accident proved the power of intention and integration. Thank you and Sat Nam. ~ Rocky