My reflections practicing 365 days of consecutive Kundalini yoga, mindfulness and pranayama. March 15, 2020 – March 15, 2021
One year ago today we began our Stanford DCI Yoga practice online. What have I learned? What feels different?
We refer to our experience as the DCI Yoga Lab. Over our 365 days of this consecutive practice, meeting 289 times on zoom, I have looked at everything with an eye towards science, the practical and lived experience. With certainty I share with you my year long results.
- I believe I am kinder, moving through my days with more equanimity.
- Energy levels are high and consistent throughout the day with a positive focus.
- My purpose and priorities manifest easily.
- I am physically strong and my body shows muscular strength.
- I am connected to my breath: my life-force. More and more I am conscious of my breath throughout the day.
- Digestion and elimination are regular, some may know I suffered for over ten years with acid reflux. I still have issues sporadically, but overall I am much improved.
- Muscles are stretching and I am ever so slowly getting my forehead to the mat. My intention: at one thousand consecutive days, my forehead will be on my mat.
- My intuition is keen. I can sense other people’s emotions and states of being. My own internal guidance is strong.
- My sleep is consistent. My dream-state, active.
- I feel connected to our cohort at a very deep level. 279 days of group practice creates a bonding, an anchoring that is life-centering.
In Celebration of 365 Days
Our celebration yesterday was bookended by two beautiful poems. The first by Anne-Lindsay Makepeace titled “Downward Zoom.” We closed with a second by Melanie Karsen, “A Poem for Rocky’s One-Year Yoga Lab.” Both can be viewed below. The poems spoke to our shared journey: making time to be on our mats supporting our own well-being and the well-being of our classmates. We learned various Pranayamas/breathing techniques, the names of the Chakras/the seven energy centers of the body.

We learned to sit still and just be. We learned anatomy, discipline and bandha strength. We laughed, there were times I cried in gratitude for such a supportive group. We were far flung from the Bay Area, north to Portland and Seattle, the Oregon coast, Park City Utah, Palm Springs, Miami, NYC and Connecticut, Oxford and Shanghai. In the early days of the pandemic we breathed for all those who could not breathe. And we breathed for ourselves to be conscious of this world-wide pause and how it may be affecting all of us? It is a year we will never forget. Our Yoga Lab created an anchor, a soundtrack for our lives. As we enter year two, what will we take forward to be fully alive? Fully present to all that is and all that is yet to be.

“Rocky, one more thing, there’s something you should know,
There is a package en-route to you; when it arrives, please pretend it’s wrapped with a bow.
The gift is white; it’ll even coordinate with your Kundalini togs,
Something for the chakras, resonant notes for when we’re doing our down dogs.”
The above is an excerpt from Melanie Karsen’s poem. As it turned out, the Yoga Lab participants gifted me with seven chakra singing bowls. These magical glass bowls represent the tones of the seven chakras. The word Chakra in ancient Sanskrit means wheel. These energy wheels circulate around the center of the spine and line up with the following parts of the body. Read More
Purpose. Community. Wellness.
Rocky Blumhagen, Stanford DCI, (Distinguished Career’s Institute, Fellow/partner Class of 2019) is a yoga and mindfulness practitioner.
To read more about Rocky’s 1000-Day Yoga Challenge – Click Here
To learn more about Rocky – Click Here
If you wish to discuss your own yoga journey to develop a deeper daily practice, please be in touch. Rocky is available for private consultation.