It Takes a Community
I gladly offer these Kundalini Yoga videos and support materials at no cost. It’s here so you may freely deepen your practice and have a place to discover new ways to explore your mind-body connection. Because many have asked…
We have set up a way, for those who feel moved, to contribute. 100% of all contributions go to directly to pay for creating content and maintaining the Kundalini Yoga resources on this website. At present, we have 52 Kundalini Yoga Videos and many more that we would love to add. With your support, we can build upon what we have here and make this an enduring, free, and ever-growing resource for others. If you prefer to make a contribution via Zelle or Venmo, please be in touch via the Contact Page. Via PayPal or Credit Card, simply use the button below the photo.
With my deepest appreciation – Sat Nam
And What a Community We Have!
1000 Days Completed!
Our 1000 day yoga journey began March 15, 2020 when Stanford University shut down due to Covid protocols. Twenty yogis of various experience levels, backgrounds and ages (55-75 years) all said, “Yes.” Together, we have now practiced virtually for nearly three years. This video was recorded on 12-10-22. Enjoy!
More About Rocky Blumhagen
While Rocky continues to sing and perform on occasion, recent years have been dedicated to becoming a certified Yoga Instructor. What began as a way to keep his body in tune and support his voice, evolved quickly into a passion for teaching Kundalini Yoga and mindfulness. His life’s journey has been an interesting one.
More About Rocky Blumhagen
While Rocky continues to sing and perform on occasion, recent years have been dedicated to becoming a certified Yoga Instructor. What began as a way to keep his body in tune and support his voice, evolved quickly into a passion for teaching Kundalini Yoga and mindfulness. His life’s journey has been an interesting one.
A Favorite Quote
“A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of
uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”
by Tim Ferriss – The Five-Minute Journal
Looking back at my own life, the most honest conversations took place not only with myself, but with my parents, spouse and most intimate of friends. When I acknowledged my authentic self and expressed my feelings, sometimes from a place of vulnerability, the depth and course of my relationships grew deeper. – Rocky
A Favorite Quote
“A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of
uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”
by Tim Ferriss – The Five-Minute Journal
Looking back at my own life, the most honest conversations took place not only with myself, but with my parents, spouse and most intimate of friends. When I acknowledged my authentic self and expressed my feelings, sometimes from a place of vulnerability, the depth and course of my relationships grew deeper. – Rocky
Kundalini Yoga Videos
News Lungs and Circulation
You feel full of energy and in control when the lungs and circulation are in excellent shape.
Kriya for Disease Resistance and Sat Kriya
To avoid persistent colds and illness, it is essential to keep digestion and elimination functioning well.
Kriya for Awakening to Your Ten Bodies
The Ten Bodies are: Soul Body, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body.
I have attended live in-person, live virtual, and pre-recorded Kundalini sessions with Rocky.
I like Kundalini because of the opportunity to explore and challenge myself in a unique way. Rocky is a warm, welcoming, humble and intuitive teacher. There’s a reason this hour and a half experience is a part of my regular practice!
It has been a wonderful experience practicing Yoga with you all, guided by Rocky!
It became one of the highlights of my DCI experience, and helped me to stay calm and mindful during the pandemic…
2025 Yoga Retreat at MEA Santa Fe
DCI at MEA Santa Fe in 2025! Rest, Refresh, and Reset This memorable, four-night, five-day retreat is led by Rocky Blumhagen, Karen Leshner, and Frish Brandt. Monday, April 28 - Friday, May 2 Modern Elder Academy [...]
Memento Mori – Expanded Thoughts
A Note to Readers - It might help [...]
The Science Behind Brain Training Games
Do brain-training game have a real, lasting impact on memory and cognitive function?
As AI begins to accelerate medical breakthroughs, it is interesting to take a look back. In this 2017 article, “Could a Videogame Strengthen Your Aging Brain?” by Anna Vlasits, WIRED explored the state of the science. My, how far we’re come… and where we’re soon to go!
Rocky took part in a Phase 3 clinical trial by Akili Interactive at Dr. Adam Gazzaley’s UCSF Neuroscape lab. The project: EVO ADHD, ran a clinical trial on Neuroracer/Body Brain Trainer in order to earn FDA approval as a treatment to reduce the severity of ADHD. “In the brain-training world, scientists often compare the brain to a muscle. And now that Rocky’s two-month training session has concluded, he’s adopted the metaphor. “We can keep the brain more active, longer,” Rocky says. “There’s no reason for it to atrophy.” He believes, as many baby boomers do, that the real problem is that old people don’t learn new things, and that simply doing more brain “workouts”—whatever those might be—can fight aging.”
A Deeper Look Into Rocky Blumhagen
Additional Shows Include: The Harry Warren Story – It’s Better With a Baritone – Opera to Broadway
Looking for Rocky’s Electronic Press Kit & Show Photos? You’re in the right spot – Click Here
And the Performance Calendar – It’s Here
Rehearsals Over Time
A cabaret performer, a Big Band singer and a symphony soloist. Rocky has won two acting awards and a number of nominations for his live performances. He received his BA in vocal performance from Lewis and Clark College, in Portland, Oregon. He then sang professionally in the US, Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada; giving over 1500 nightclub performances and recording three albums. View all of Rocky’s performance videos here.